Confined growth with slow surface kinetics: A thin film model approach
Recent experimental and theoretical investigations of crystal growth from solution in the vicinity of an impermeable wall have shown that: (i) growth can be maintained within the contact region when a liquid film is present between the crystal and the substrate; (ii) a cavity can form in the center of the contact region due to insufficient supply of mass through the liquid film. Here, we investigate the influence of surface kinetics on these phenomena using a thin film model. First, we determine the growth rate within the confined region in the absence of a cavity. Growth within the contact induces a drift of the crystal away from the substrate. Our results suggest novel strategies to measure surface kinetic coefficients based on the observation of this drift. For the specific case where growth is controlled by surface kinetics outside the contact, we show that the total displacement of the crystal due to the growth in the contact is finite. As a consequence, the growth shape approaches asymptotically the free growth shape truncated by a plane passing through the center of the crystal. Second, we investigate the conditions under which a cavity forms. The critical supersaturation above which the cavity forms is found to be larger for slower surface kinetics. In addition, the critical supersaturation decays as a power law of the contact size. The asymptotic value of the critical supersaturation and the exponent of the decay are found to be different for attractive and repulsive disjoining pressures. Finally, our previous representation of the transition within a morphology diagram appears to be uninformative in the limit of slow surface kinetics.